The Kentish Cobnuts Association
Conserving and Promoting British Hazelnuts


Pruning Kentish Cobnuts

Pruning Kentish Cobnuts

A5, 28 pages, 15 diagrams, 38 photos in colour


Growing cobnuts: Soils and climate; flowering and pollination
Pruning cobnuts: when to prune; where to cut; pruning traditionally grown cobnuts Establishing new plats; the mature plat and general hygiene Pruning neglected trees; vegetation control
A few varieties
Pests and diseases
A brief history of cobnuts.

Buy now with Paypal

Members of the Association £7 by post: £5 if you can collect from Ightham, Kent. Non-members £12 by post, £10 if you can collect For orders outside the UK or bulk orders for resale contact

Become a member today

In A Nutshell

In a Nutshell, A History of Kentish Cobnuts

In a Nutshell, A History of Kentish Cobnuts, 2011, A5, 36 pages with photos, by Meg Game;

Out of print -  No Longer Available

Kentish Cobnuts Association Information Pack

Information Pack

Information Pack, A4, black and white, 15 pages, with information on varieties, planting your plat, brief introduction to pruning, pests and diseases and marketing.;

Online: price £4.00. Adobe PDF version in black and white.